Exploreo's commitment to climate action

Check out Exploreo's commitment to climate action. We want to create a world where travel is good for people and the environment.

If you're passionate about exploring the world while making a positive impact on the environment, then Exploreo's Climate Action Commitment is for you.

Make a positive impact on your eco-conscious adventures

Due to its significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, the travel industry urgently needs to take action to reduce its environmental impact. As a sustainable travel company, Exploreo is committed to doing our part by addressing climate change and minimising our clients' impact on the environment.

At Exploreo, our mission is to help travellers enjoy eco-friendly adventures around the world. We believe it is still possible to travel sustainably, so we have put in place a number of measures and initiatives to help you explore the world while minimising your impact on the planet.

Below are some of our key initiatives focused on offsetting the carbon footprint of travel facilitated by Exploreo.

Protester during a climate demonstration holds plaque with Planet over ProfitPlanet over profit, photograph by Markus Spiske, Unsplash.

Reducing our carbon footprint:

At Exploreo we prioritise our carbon footprint and take steps to offset our emissions. With advanced calculations that take into account room size, occupancy, mode of transport and travel duration, we accurately determine and mitigate carbon emissions and plant trees for the carbon emissions of your booking using updated global data - all free of charge.

Certified sustainable accommodation

We are particularly focused on working with certified sustainable properties that aim to minimise their impact on the environment.

Our system automatically recognises properties that are certified as sustainable by a certification body accredited by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and charge accordingly. You can find out more about the GSTC and its accredited certification bodies for hotels and accommodation on their website.

This will help you find hotels, hostels and other accommodation that are committed to sustainability and have trusted certifications to prove it. These properties use environmentally friendly materials, energy efficient systems and renewable energy sources to reduce their carbon footprint. They promote sustainable practices such as water conservation and waste reduction, while prioritising the well-being of their guests.

Sustainable tours and experiences

We are proud to partner with sustainable operators who prioritise fair and environmentally responsible practices. Our tours and experiences are carefully selected to ensure that they adhere to a standard rate for fairness and environmental consideration.

While the emissions from each tour may vary depending on the types of transport and accommodation provided, we offset these emissions at a standard rate of 10 kg/CO2e per day per person, free of charge. By choosing our tours, you can have peace of mind knowing that your travel experiences are supporting sustainable practices and contributing to a greener future.

We believe in promoting responsible tourism that benefits local communities and minimizes our impact on the environment. Join us on our eco-friendly tours to explore the world while making a positive difference.

Additional compensation through tree planting projects

Trees play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and storing it in their biomass through photosynthesis. By increasing the number of trees, we boost carbon sequestration capacity and reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

At Exploreo, your sustainable booking goes beyond eco-friendly travel - it actively contributes to the healing of our planet. In conjunction with sustainable bookings, we offset your regular emissions free of charge through tree planting projects and other carbon offsetting and sequestration initiatives. This means that when you book with us, we go the extra mile to offset past pollution and strive to make your trip carbon negative.

Managed by our carbon offsetting partner Ecologi, our tree planting programme and sustainability projects are more than just symbolic gestures - they represent our dedicated commitment to a greener future. We provide transparent feedback, keeping travellers informed of the number of trees planted and the positive impact they make.

Explore and track your contributions and those of others in the Exploreo virtual forest and see first-hand the positive impact of your eco-conscious choices.

Visit Exploreo's virtual forest

People from the Protect Earth organisation are planting trees on the Lower Hampen Farm, Gloucestershire, England.People from the Protect Earth organisation are planting trees on the Lower Hampen Farm, Gloucestershire, England. Photograph courtsesy of ProtectEarth and Ecologi.

Cleaning up our oceans:

Exploreo is committed to making a positive impact on the environment by actively participating in efforts to clean up plastic-polluted oceans. 

The problem of plastic pollution in our oceans has serious consequences for marine life, habitats, ecosystems and even human health through seafood contamination and climate change caused by the absorption and release of greenhouse gases from degrading plastics. 

To tackle this problem effectively, Exploreo donates a portion of its profits to organisations that are actively working to remove plastic waste from the oceans and restore a healthy marine ecosystem for both wildlife and people. By supporting these initiatives, Exploreo aims to help preserve and protect our planet's precious oceans for future generations.

A group of people clean up plastic rubbish from a beach.Exploreo funds ocean cleaning initiatives. Photograph: Brian Yurasits, Unsplash.

Choosing sustainable partnerships:

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we carefully select our partners and work with companies that share our values and prioritise environmental responsibility. By choosing sustainable partnerships, we strive to ensure that our travellers can explore the world while leaving a minimal carbon footprint.

Certified tour operators and accommodation partners

We consider a number of factors when selecting tour operators and accommodation partners, including their environmental practices, waste management systems and commitment to conservation efforts. We give preference to businesses that are certified by a certification body accredited by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and that implement sustainable practices such as using renewable energy sources, minimising waste and promoting responsible resource management.

By partnering with environmentally conscious organisations, we can offer our travellers more sustainable options, from accommodations that use energy-efficient technologies to tour operators that prioritise local communities and wildlife conservation. These partnerships allow us to create unique travel experiences that are not only enjoyable, but also contribute to the preservation of the destinations we visit.

In addition, by supporting businesses with a strong environmental focus, we encourage the growth of a sustainable tourism industry. This helps to create economic opportunities for local communities, promote cultural preservation and foster a greater understanding and appreciation of the importance of sustainable travel.

Carbon offset providers

At Exploreo, we prioritise sustainability and environmental conservation. That's why we carefully select our tree planting partners and other carbon offset projects to ensure that our efforts have a meaningful impact on the planet. We believe in transparency, so please read everything about the sustainability projects we have supported on our projects page

Some of the sustainability projects we have funded include reforestation of deforested areas, renewable energy initiatives and carbon capture and storage projects.

The tree planting projects we support work with local communities to plant native trees in areas that have been heavily deforested. This not only helps to restore ecosystems and combat climate change, but also provides livelihoods for local communities. In addition to tree planting, we also support renewable energy initiatives. By investing in solar and wind energy projects, we are helping to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and cut greenhouse gas emissions. 

We are proud of the impact these sustainability projects have had to date and will continue to look for new opportunities to make a positive difference to the environment. For more information on our funded projects, please go to our projects page via the button below, or contact us directly.

Check our climate projects

Bird on a twig in a forest with added Ecologi and Exploreo logosExploreo and Ecologi working together for a better planet. Photograph courtesy of Ecologi.

Transparent practices:

At Exploreo, we believe in the power of transparency and accountability. That's why we invite you to openly explore our operations and see the real-time impact of your contributions. With the innovative virtual forest, you can track the progress of reforestation projects and see how your support is making a difference in restoring ecosystems.

But our commitment to stewardship doesn't stop there. We are proud to announce that we are on our way to becoming a certified B Corp. This certification underlines our unwavering commitment to social and environmental responsibility in everything we do.

By choosing Exploreo, you can be confident that your contributions are being used for good. We prioritise transparency, sustainability and ethical practices in all aspects of our business. Together, let's make a positive impact on the world around us.

Thank you

Thank you for being part of Exploreo's journey to sustainability. Your decision to book sustainably with us makes a big difference. Together, we're reshaping the future of travel and creating a better world - one eco-conscious adventure at a time. Every choice you make contributes to a greener world, so join us and let's explore responsibly for a better tomorrow.

Book Sustainably

Group photo of smiling and waving staff from the Eden Reforestation Planting Project Team in Kenya.Many thanks from the Eden Reforestation Planting Project Team in Kenya.

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